Words, Words, Words


Want to stay ahead of the content curve in 2020? Don’t have word ROMO. Know your content trends.

Who doesn’t want to up their game? Improve on their previous performance? Raise the bar? While we aren’t going to use up all the synonyms there are for making progress that doesn’t mean you have to stop striving to create better content in 2020. And here are a few trends that could help:

Pro Personalization

We simply haven’t tired (nor will we ever probably!) of having people focus their attention on exactly what we are interested. Increasing the level of personalization your content offers is a surefire way to boost your content performance in the year ahead.

Visually Focused

Yes we are still talking about content, but today’s audience is super attentive to social media, which has taken a sharp left towards visual content. Your content marketing efforts simply can’t afford to ignore this—so use pictures to tell your content story whenever possible.

Once Upon a Time

The classics stick around for a reason, which is the same rationale for the longevity of quality storytelling. A good story, with a universal theme, told honestly, can do more for your brand or company than any over-the-top gimmick ever could.

Get Collaborative

It’s the content equivalent of a song mash-up, when two brands pair up to share their audiences, reach, etc. Whether it is sharing content, asking another brand’s expert to guest blog or creating something new together, this type of synergy can enhance both parties.

Keep it 100

Authenticity—it simply can’t be faked. People know they are being sold to, they expect it. So what continues to stand out for them are the brands and companies that make the effort to genuinely inform and help them with, those who simply put their needs first. Do this and the sales will come.


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