Behind the E


It takes all kinds of personalities to make a creative agency like ours click.
In our “Meet the E Team” series, we select a teammate to profile, giving you a peek at the people of Ethos.





Position: Managing Editor

Favorite Food: Chips and Salsa

Hobbies: Reading, cooking and knowing too much useless trivia

Age: Someone recently said I was “mom age”

Favorite High School memory?

Leaving it.

Brush with Celebrity?

I met Grizzly Adams (the actor Dan Haggerty)
and admitted I had a crush on him when
I was a little girl.

Little known fact?

I sleep curse.

Most embarrassing moment?

The time in middle school my jeans split
when roller skating in gym class.


What did you want to be when you grew up?

A poet living in a garret.


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