Call to Action

Better Calls to Action


Call to Action

Convert more visitors with better CTAs.

Not seeing the conversion you would like from your website traffic? Could your calls to action be the problem? If you want to convert lookers on your site, you may want to rethink your CTAs with these tips.

  1. Streamline choices—Too many choices actually paralyze people. Rather than overwhelm consumers, be sure your calls to action are simple.

  2. Clarify the design—If your website’s layout is too complex, they may not even see your CTA. Be sure that your design is clear and easy to navigate.

  3. Clearly state your objective—Are you wanting consumers to make a purchase? Then your CTA needs to clearly state that, for instance “Shop Now” or “Click to purchase.” If you confuse them, you could lose them.

  4. Focus on the customer’s needs—Why is someone on your site in the first place? What is the value you are offering them? Thinking about these factors before you create your CTA can help you personalize it to attract more conversions.

  5. Grab their attention—The words matter, but so do the visuals. Is your call to action visually compelling? Does it attract their eye? You want the color, font, etc. to stand out from the surrounding text and images, so consumers can clearly see it.

  6. Test your options—Pick two CTAs and run A/B options to see which is more appealing to your customer. Don’t be afraid to try again if the results aren’t what you were hoping for. Even minor changes or tweaks can increase your conversions, so be open to playing around a bit to discover what is the most effective.


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